Custom Challenge Coin

Custom Challenge Coin are custom coins or medallions with affiliate logos, badges or logos executed by members of the above-mentioned affiliates. Simply put, it's just a custom challenge coin. In earlier parts of history, they were made and given to demonstrate one's loyalty to an association or to improve morale among members of an organization. The traditional use of these coins also includes the use of coins as proof of recognition of some positive deed or some commendable, memorable and special achievement.
Like the medals, these coins have different meanings and stories behind them. They are unique and very different from other military coins. Different military setups have different challenge coins as proof of military achievement. These Challenge Coins vary in size, color, shape, recognition, prestige, prizes, and more. Nonetheless, these challenge coins provide proofs of good deeds, boasting or at least showing them off, making people want to own this challenge coin now.